Cedar Rapids  Tourism Office

Trunk or Treat

Location: St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
8300 C Avenue NE
Marion, Iowa

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This event has already finished but is here for for your information

Put on your costume and head to St. Mark’s for a fun night of Trunk or Treat. We are partnering with local businesses and individuals to have 50+ cars in our parking lot!

PLUS! We are hosting a freewill donation of non-perishable food items to benefit the Churches of Marion Food Pantry.

CANDY. CARS. COMMUNITY. St. Mark's is excited to host our first ever TRUNK OR TREAT event on Wednesday, October 25 from 5:30-7:00 pm. This is a fun and safe environment for your family to make memories this Halloween. Children of all ages are welcome to come dressed in their costumes to trick or treat in our church parking lot. Parents will accompany children as they travel from trunk to trunk. We are partnering with local businesses and individuals to have 50+ cars in our parking lot with various themes and decorations filled with candy and trinkets for students! PLUS! We are hosting a freewill donation of non-perishable food to benefit the Churches of Marion Food Pantry. See less