Mount Vernon/lisbon Community Development Group

Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty 2018

Location: Mount Vernon, Iowa
Time: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
P.O.Box 31
Mount Vernon, IA

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The annual Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty (formerly known as the 4th of July Antiques Extravaganza) is an open-air show is located “Uptown” on Main Street (1st St) each July 4. First Street is surrounded by antique shops, specialty shops and cafes.

There's something for everyone at Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty! A variety of antiques, vintage, architectural & agricultural, salvage, industrial, primitives, repurposed, and retro will be available. Join us in Mount Vernon on the 4th of July! #visitmvl #mvnittygritty