Cedar Rapids  Tourism Office

Cars & Coffee l Cedar Rapdis

Location: Junge Cedar Rapids
Time: 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM
1200 Boyson Rd
Hiawatha, Iowa


This event has already finished but is here for for your information

Mark your calendars for Saturday April 27th as we kickoff car season with Cars and Coffee. Meeting from 8:00-10:00am at Junge Cedar Rapids at 1200 Boyson Road, Madison Ave 525 N, Hiawatha, IA. Grind Coffee Co. and Wich-Uh-Waffle food/beverage trucks will be in attendance.

This event is open to all makes and models! Be sure to invite every car, coffee or waffle lover you may know. There will be a cruise immediately following so make sure you're gassed up! Details to come!